
A student work on a laptop studying on the wall of the Rossin Campus Center patio during the Creosote Affects photo shoot May 1, 2019年华盛顿 & det365app.

Washington & det365app does not require applicants to submit test scores (SAT or ACT) as a part of the admission process. 华盛顿大学的学术成就 & 杰斐逊学院是由杰出的教师推动的, 参与课堂活动, 勤奋的学习习惯, 以及对超越的强烈渴望. 考试只是衡量潜在学业成功的众多标准之一,而且往往不是最有力的标准. Students who choose the score-optional application alternative will be given full consideration, 入学没有不利条件.